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A client was recently snared by an undercover prostitution sting operation aimed at catching people who hire prostitutes. One of the fake Police ads can still be viewed HERE. People who hire prostitutes or "hookers" are often referred to as "johns." So, you can call this a prostitution sting operation or maybe a john sting operation. Many more people are arrested for soliciting, than the johns / customers looking to hire.
According to an article in the Dispatch, Between Jan. 1 and April 30 [2007], 12 suspected customers were arrested while 424 women were arrested on soliciting charges, Columbus police vice Sgt. Stan Latta said. It appears the Columbus Police are looking to change that.
At Wolfe Legal Services if you have been caught in a prostitution sting operation we can help.
For eligible people we have you evaluated for the eight-hour weekend course, which takes place in the Franklin County Courthouse, and is supposed to convince those accused of hiring "the world's oldest profession" one charge or conviction is enough.
The accused learn about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), hear tales of johns who were robbed or murdered. The course presenters claim that prostitution causes other neighborhood crime and has a negative effect on the community.
If you are already charged with prostitution or being a john, contact us for assistance. If you ever suspect a prostitute or person is an undercover police, or wish to avoid criminal charges, avoid any discussion of exchanging money for sexual activity. It is not a crime to meet up for sex, only to offer to pay for it. Don't ever discuss money for sex over the phone or Internet, or in public, and check the vicinity and the other person's person for recording devices. I have seen cases where an undercover agent is monitored from quite a long distance away, and recorded.
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