Upper Arlington Mayors Court

Upper Arlington Mayors Court at 3600 Tremont Road
Have you been charged with a crime in Upper Arlington Mayors Court? We at Wolfe Legal Services know the Prosecutor, Jeanne Amid Hummer and the Magistrate, Thomas Hayes who preside over Upper Arlington Mayors Court and we can help obtain you a favorable outcome in your criminal or traffic case. The most common charges in Upper Arlington Mayors Court are OVI (DUI), driving under suspension, and theft. Many times an attorney can enroll you in a diversion program or give advice which results in reduced charges. Always contact an attorney for a free consultation before going to Court. Never plead guilty without contacting a lawyer first, because some charges can stay on your criminal record for life, even charges in Mayor's Court.
The Upper Arlington Mayors Court hears misdemeanor cases alleged to be in violation of Upper Arlington Ordinances (laws). Some more serious cases are automatically sent to the Franklin County Municipal Court, such as domestic violence. There are several interesting facts you should know about Upper Arlington Mayors Court: 1. You can have your case heard in Upper Arlington Mayor's Court and if you don't like the outcome, you can have a new trial at the Franklin County Municipal Court. 2. There are no jury trials in Upper Arlington Mayor's Court. 3. Mayor's Court is not conducted by the Mayor, but rather, a Magistrate, Thomas Hayes.
The first step of the process is Arraignment, in which you enter a plea of guilty or not guilty. By hiring a lawyer, you can many times avoid this court date and the attorney will file a "not guilty" plea for you. Even if you are guilty, we recommend filing a not guilty plea in order to have time to review the evidence and enter plea negotiations. Sometimes the Prosecutor won't have enough evidence to prove a guilty person guilty, resulting in reduction or dismissal of the case.
Once the evidence (discovery) is obtained by your lawyer, the case is reviewed with Attorney Hummer or one of her assistants at a pre-trial to determine if you and the State can come to a plea agreement, often referred to as "plea bargaining." If there is no agreement or you are not guilty, you can have a trial.
You can have a bench trial to the Magistrate in Upper Arlington Mayors Court, or you can transfer your case to Franklin County Municipal Court . Jury trials for OVI (DUI) and other offenses are routinely conducted in Franklin County.
The Administrator of the Upper Arlington Mayors Court is Mayor Deborah Johnson. Steven B. Hayes, S. Michael Miller, Janet Grubb and Michael Close serve as Magistrates. The Mayor has selected the Clerk of Court, Melissa Kohler. Mayors Court is held Thursday at Noon, when a Magistrate presides over sentencing, arraignments, pre-trials, revocation hearings, et cetera. Trials and motion hearings are normally scheduled for 1 p.m..
It is strongly recommended you get a Columbus Criminal Defense Attorney before going into a court room.
If you did not provide proof of insurance to the Police at the time of your traffic stop, you must bring proof of insurance to your court appearance. Failure to provide proof of insurance will result in the suspension of your license for at least 90 days through the Bureau of Motor Vehicles.
The City of Upper Arlington Mayor’s Court is located in the Upper Arlington Municipal Building 3600 Tremont Road, Upper Arlington, Ohio 43221
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