How should I vote in Franklin County Judges elections?

The Columbus Bar Association has published a poll of Attorneys and how they feel about the Franklin County Judges.   Reading the poll results is a good way to evaluate the Judges' performance.

There is also an evaluation of the Judicial candidates which will be useful in making your decision.  I recommend you read these polls before deciding to vote for Franklin County Judges or a Franklin County Judge Candidate.

Judicial Temperament and Objectivity are some of the most important qualities.  When your case is before Franklin County Judges, you want him or her to be fair and impartial, and to treat you with respect.

Although Judicial elections are supposed to be nonpartisan, you may want to consider what political party the Judge belongs to.  You can find this information on Ballotpedia, which tells you who is running, and also which party he or she is affiliated with.

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